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The Tree of Life with Tarot |
Several days later, as Peter was getting on his bike in the courtyard, Cashing opened his door and called him over.
"You’re not going to tell me that we can’t do anything, are you?" Peter asked.
"No, no, just hang on a minute. Don’t jump to conclusions. I’ve had an idea. Do you want to hear it?"
Peter got off of his mountain bike and stepped into Cashing’s apartment.
"Before I tell you my idea, I’d like to show you something I’ve been working on, called ROOMS THAT DREAM. If you’d like to read it, you can just click on this link--it's got music and illustrations too," Cashing pointed at his computer.
Peter looked at him funny, and said, “Maybe later.”
“Okay, this is my idea. I’m not guaranteeing anything. It’s just a stab in the dark," Cashing mumbled, "and it's probably really just a stupid idea anyway."
"Would you just tell me already?" Peter blurted out.
"Okay. We could go door to door collecting signatures from people against the subdivision. In the process, we could hand out fact sheets, and ask people to call or write their county supervisor. We could also list a few of our landlord’s major businesses on the fact sheet. That probably would be bad for business, his business, that is. We wouldn’t ask people to boycott those businesses, mind you, because that might get us in trouble. We just want to imply that people can stand up against this guy."
"Okay, now you’re talkin’. When can we get started?" Peter smiled.
"Wait just a minute. There are several things to consider before we get started. First of all, you haven’t received permission from your parents. We would be canvassing in the evening on weeknights. Secondly, if our landlord finds out, he will want retribution. In other words, he will probably evict me and your family. We have to do this without letting anyone know who we are or where we live. We would have to be extremely careful."
"Okay, first of all, my dad likes nature. He wouldn’t want to see that place developed anymore than I do. Secondly, my dad hates the landlord, and my parents are planning to move from here anyway. We’re probably only going to be here another two months or so, from what I understand. And third, maybe I can convince them that the experience will be good for me, get me out of the house, make me more outgoing, blah, blah, blah," Peter laughed.
"You can also mention that I canvassed for three years when I was younger and no one in my organization ever had any problems, and I was asking for money in addition to signatures and phone calls and letters. If someone turns ugly, you can just turn and walk away."
That evening at dinner, Peter told his family about Cashing’s idea. Peter’s mother was dead set against it, but Peter’s father, who knew the area that was going to be developed, changed her mind. Peter’s father thought that Peter should at least be given a chance. As Peter had predicted, his dad thought the experience would help to build Peter's character. Peter had assured them that Cashing would always be canvassing on the other side of the street and would intercede if there were ever a problem. Besides, it would be a good way to get back at the landlord. That evening, after dinner, Peter overheard his father’s prediction that Peter wouldn’t last long on the job, not more than a night or two, anyway.
Cashing and Peter both wondered out loud what they were doing, on more than one occasion, but a month later, they were still going door to door, collecting an average of seventy signatures and ten letters a night between them. By the end of the first month, they had almost 1,500 signatures and close to two hundred letters against the project. Since it was summer, they kept canvassing until about nine o’clock each evening. People, on the whole, were indifferent. A few were nice and gave them something to drink. A few would slam the door in their faces, usually without hearing what they had to say. Justin and Peter just kept knocking on doors and finding supporters wherever they could.
After a month, though, Cashing started getting so tired that he began to suspect something was wrong. He took several days off, hoping that a little rest would solve the problem, but after four days, he didn’t feel any better.
Peter meditated on Cashing’s problem. He mentally scanned Cashing’s body and found a streak of black in his lungs. Peter remembered that Cashing had smoked at a much younger age. Perhaps now, with all of the stress, cells were becoming cancerous. Peter did not want to label the problem, however. He envisioned draining the blackness from Cashing’s lung into a chalice and draining the blackness through a hose under the chalice into the earth, where it was purified by magma. Then Peter mentally filled the tainted area of the lung with blue and yellow and bright white energy. He had no rational explanation why those colors might be the best energy from his primary chakra system--he just knew it was right.
When Peter saw Cashing next, he told Cashing to go to the doctor and have his lungs x-rayed. Cashing took Peter’s advice, and the doctor found a tiny tumor in Cashing’s left lung. The doctor wanted to operate right away to remove the tumors. Peter spent as many hours as possible meditating to rid the spots from Cashing’s left lung, replacing the blackness with blue and yellow and white energy. Before the doctors were about to operate, they x-rayed his lungs again. This time they found no sign of tumors in his lung even though they checked and rechecked the tests. They sent Cashing home and told him to return in a week.
Justin knew that occasionally there were tears in the fabric of reality and odd things would slip in and out, sometimes terrifying, sometimes healing, sometimes downright crazy. He had little trouble believing therefore that another person could heal him with the mind alone, which he suspected Peter had done.
Peter had helped Justin to believe in the power of telepathy. Justin had experienced “hits” before, sometimes knowing with great certainty what a person was thinking or feeling, but even though he had opened his subtle senses, he did not trust his intuitions and did not know how to harness that power. Justin was more than a little afraid of the power of a thought combined with intense feeling, which sometimes unexpectedly inspired groups into sudden, focused action as a powerful thought form swept through the crowd, making individuals do, for better or worse, what they could not have imagined doing alone. It was the power of the mob, but it was also, as Justin was witnessing, the power that an individual had to heal or harm. Since Justin was a well-educated man, he had always doubted his intuitions, that small voice in his head. Maybe what he “heard” were like the indistinct sounds that seeped through the apartment walls that he could never really label good or bad. Justin was also afraid that he just didn’t have enough faith, in the power of the mind or in himself, for the subtle senses sometimes only translate the energy of emotion and thought. Sometimes he could not even believe in his own fingers. For Peter, though, Justin was willing to take a chance, if only because it made life seem more like an adventure.
After he got back from the doctor's office, Cashing found Peter waiting for him. "I get this feeling that you’ve been meditating on my problem," Cashing said.
"Yes," Peter replied.
Cashing hugged Peter. "Thank you," Cashing said. "I know you helped me even though every one else I know would think that I'm crazy for saying so."
"You need to purify yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically every day from now on. I can't keep you healthy. You've got to do it yourself," Peter explained.
"I will. I will. I promise," Cashing replied. "Follow me. I have something to show you. I've been debating about the right time to show you, but I think the right time is now."
They ambled over to Justin’s apartment. After he opened the front door, Justin motioned Peter inside and opened the door to his bedroom. “This is what I have been wanting to show you,” Justin paused, his hand sweeping toward the wall. “The Tree of Life."
Peter could see a strange structure, about two and half feet tall, on an alter, with gems hanging from it. “You mean the Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden?”
“It's possible that this Tree of Life came from the Garden of Eden, but no one can prove it, of course."
“Are the jewels real?"
“Yes. There are ten different jewels, including a diamond, a ruby, an emerald and a sapphire, each of great value."
“How much is it worth?" Peter demanded.
“The Tree itself, as far as I know, is priceless," Justin responded. “It has another value, a magical value that far transcends its worth in gold."
Peter squinted at the Tree, “Those jewels aren't really real, are they? You're just messin’ with me, ain't ya?"
“Yes, they are real, and no I'm not messin' with you. Some of the most powerful forces in the world are contained within those jewels."
“What kinds of forces?"
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Tree of Life with Major Arcana of Tarot |
“The Tree of Life is a symbol of creation representing the different energies within the cosmos and the individual. It symbolically shows the universal energy field, which is mirrored by each human energy field, or aura. The Tree reveals the subtle correspondences between the individual soul and the powers of the cosmos, in other words.”
Peter pondered Justin's words for a moment. “You mean that a person can use the Tree to gain cosmic powers? How is that possible?”
“That, my friend, is the mystery. Only a small group of people know how to charge the jewels with cosmic force. For some reason, my uncle left the Tree so that I would find it. I believe that my uncle was one of the people who knew, but he died before he could tell me.”
“So," Peter drew out the vowel, “how did your uncle get a hold of it?”
“He found it during the war, World War II, that is, hidden in a concentration camp, of all places. He showed it to me once when I was a young boy, but he didn’t tell me anything else about it. My uncle was an eccentric and seemed more than a little unbalanced sometimes. Everyone thought he was 'cranky’ because of the War, but I think now it was probably because of this,” Justin pointed at the Tree. “He wanted me to believe that he took it apart after he found it in the Nazi commandant’s quarters and that he wrapped it up and brought it home, and then put it back together in his garage and kept it hidden there for almost fifty years, but I now think it possible that he simply put it together and charged it with cosmic energies himself.”
Peter still looked doubtful. “Why are you showing this to me now?"
“I don't completely understand it on a spiritual level, probably because I have trouble trusting my own intuitions. I understand it mentally, but I don't fully understand it spiritually. I sometimes just feel at a loss when I connect spiritually with people or things. I can talk a good game, but when it gets down to the nitty gritty, I have trouble reconciling the logic of the mind with the logic of the spirit, which sometimes are oddly different. And maybe I'm a little afraid of the unpredictable nature of the spirit. You, if you'll allow me to be frank, are less damaged than I am and seem far more open and tuned in to the spiritual dimension. I am hoping that you will help me understand the Tree of Life on a higher level. I believe that everything happens for a reason. A wise man once said that you should treat all experience as a confrontation of God with your soul. I'm not sure I believe that entirely, but I do believe that the divine gives you signs now and then. You are having visions of archetypal symbols that can be found in the Tarot and on the Tree of Life, two symbol systems that go together in every conceivable way. I think for that reason alone I am meant to reveal this to you.”
Peter looked nonplussed.
Justin continued, “It’s crucial that the right people take care of the Tree. Try to remember Nazi Germany, for a moment. The Nazis got their hands on knowledge of the Tree of Life and conquered most of Europe, killing millions of innocent people in the process. The Tree of Life is a sacred symbol system revealing different subtle states of being. The swastika, for instance, which is a symbol of the Source of life, is associated with the top sphere of the Tree. The Nazis perverted that symbol, turning it on its side, literally and figuratively. Instead of a symbol of life, it became a symbol of death and evil. And, instead of a time of great spiritual awakening, the 20th Century became a nightmare. I’m afraid that the people now in power are more than a little like the Nazis, and if they got their hands on it, they would use the Tree to establish ‘full-spectrum dominance’ over the world, which is pretty much what they’re currently trying to do. You and I are ‘off the radar,’ so to speak, and we need to keep it that way. Whoever takes care of the Tree must remain humble, in more ways than one."
“So you think your uncle chose you to take care of it?” Peter asked.
“My guess is that he could see my rebellious artistic nature. All I know is that he made me the executor of his estate and must have known that I would remember the Tree and try to find it. Sure enough, I found it hidden on the top shelf in his garage.”
Peter looked over at the Tree of Life. “How does the magic work?”
Justin smiled. “The gems are like the symbols in the Tarot cards, except the gems are tangible. With the Tarot cards, you have to rely entirely on your imagination to let the forces through. With the gems, all you do is touch them. When you do the cosmic force comes through and stimulates the subconscious mind. In other words, an influx of power affects your aura, and if your brain is in a receptive state, the subconscious mind will present the force to your conscious mind as an archetypal symbol or God or Archangel in the mind's eye. If you touch the ruby, for instance, you will feel the power of Mars, which can manifest as great courage and energy, and you might see an archetypal symbol such as a sword or a warrior king or God in your mind's eye."
Peter touched the ruby and felt a wave of power wash over his sphere of sensation, and in his mind’s eye, he envisioned a king dressed in armor and a red cape who was holding a sword and shield. “Wow, why doesn’t everyone know about this?” Peter gasped.
“The force of the gems, each of which represents a sphere on the Tree of Life, can also be unbalancing. In other words, the force of the ruby, which represents a sphere on the Tree of Life known as Geburah, or Severity, can also manifest as cruelty and destructiveness. Each sphere has a ‘vice’ as well as a ‘virtue.’ Because of the potentially unbalancing aspect of each sphere, the stewards of the Tree have only passed on the knowledge to those who are purified and dedicated. A person who uses the knowledge for selfish ends eventually ends up destroyed by the unbalancing aspect of the forces. How the individual uses the power of the forces is his or her own karma.”
Peter reached for the sapphire, the jewel opposite the ruby.
“Whoa, there,” Justin shouted, chuckling. “You need to absorb the energy of the ruby before you invite the other powers into your life. Give it at least a week. If you do become unbalanced in that time, you can invite the powers of the opposite sphere into your aura as a way to balance the forces. The three pillars of the Tree reveal polarity and balance. The two outer pillars represent polarity, and the middle pillar represents the balance of the forces. The sixth sphere, known as Tiphareth, or Beauty, harmonizes all the forces, and is therefore known as the ‘Christ Center.’ All of these forces can have a life-changing effect on the psyche, so you need to be extremely careful when handling them, especially since each force tends to be a higher vibration than we're used to.”
“So do people start to think you’re strange if you do this? Is that what happened to your uncle?”
“I’m not going to lie to you, Peter. That is likely to happen. Just look at the Tarot card ‘The Hanged Man,’ which represents one of the paths on the Tree. Most people live within a very limited range of emotional, mental and spiritual frequencies. You have to choose between being considered ‘normal’ or realizing the potentials of the self, which requires great sacrifice. This is one of the most important choices you will ever make.”
“I guess I should think about it, but I have a feeling I know what the answer is going to be.”
“I had a feeling that you might,” Justin laughed.
"Before I go, I've got something to tell you, which is the reason I came over in the first place. I’ve got some bad news," Peter muttered.
Justin furrowed his eyebrows.
Peter continued, "The landlord has evicted us. You probably about to receive an eviction notice too."
"That landlord has eyes everywhere."
"My brother told him."
"Because my brother hates me," Peter sighed.
"Did your brother ask him for money or something?" Cashing asked.
"He said he was trying to keep the landlord from evicting my family by telling the landlord the truth. I’m not so sure why he really did it," Peter frowned. "Unfortunately, my family is behind on the rent like everyone else."
Just then, the manager knocked on Cashing's door. "Consider yourself served," the manager sneered.
The envelope containing the eviction notice also contained a short letter from the landlord. "Why don’t we meet tomorrow at three o'clock in my office downtown?" the note read. The address was included in the letterhead.
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